Stories Tagged: territorial dispute

China's Role in the Venezuela-Guyana Dispute and Its Impact on Regional Relations

The escalating territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana has not only attracted the... (6 revisions)

China Increases Presence near Japan-Controlled Islands in East China Sea, Raising Tensions

The Chinese Coast Guard ships have been present in the waters around the Japan-controlled... (17 revisions)

International Court of Justice Denies Emergency Action Request Against Ecuador in Mexican Embassy Raid Case

The territorial dispute between Belize and Guatemala continues to fuel tensions. The dispute... (18 revisions)

Boris Johnson's Secret Venezuela Trip Allegedly Funded by Hedge Fund

Venezuela has demanded the withdrawal of the British warship, HMS Trent, from the disputed... (21 revisions)

Canadian Textbook Controversy: Jeju Island Marked as Japanese Land Sparks Outrage in Korea

A Canadian textbook titled 'Counterpoints, Exploring Canadian Issue' has sparked controversy by... (56 revisions)

Philippine Navy Official Asserts South China Sea Rights Amid Talks to Ease Tensions

Tensions in the South China Sea continue to rise as Filipino fishermen in Masinloc town,... (80 revisions)